Home office Decoration fit-out work

5 min read

Do you work from home and dream of having a workspace adapted to your needs? To build a home office that’s right for you, you need to consider all aspects of your business.

Avenir Rénovations is a company specializing in various interior renovation works, including office layout. Our team of experts is able to provide you with the best advice to enjoy a pleasant and motivating workspace. Here are some tips that will save you space and make you feel good while working.

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The pandemic has caused many changes in our daily lives. The popularization of the home office is one of them. This solution has many advantages, but to focus on your responsibilities, you need the right home office setup.

If you have extra interior space in your house or apartment, you can very easily create a home office Decoration. But things get complicated if space is limited. Luckily, there are plenty of solutions you can use.

Setting up your office well is a sinequanone condition for you to feel good if you work from home. If the place where you work is pleasant, your motivation will be strengthened. You will enjoy working. Your productivity will be maximum.

I furnish my office

Now that you know what mistakes you should not make when designing your office, here are some concepts that will help you feel good in your workplace.

favor colors

Colors can stimulate or promote concentration. They should therefore be used with caution in a bedroom or family room. On the other hand, they have their place in a workspace.

Do you want to furnish an office with colors that you like? Good idea ! Be careful, however, to avoid colors that are too aggressive! You can opt for a colored section of the wall and stay more sober on the other shades.

To avoid having to change the wall coverings regularly, opt for white. All you have to do is add colored accessories to bring life to your professional space. Whether you’re a telecommuter or a business owner, embracing colors is one of the best ways to boost motivation.

Light is important in your workplace. If you put your desk back to the window, you will certainly have a hard time using your screens optimally. It is therefore advisable to arrange a desk by placing it facing a window. So you enjoy pleasant natural light. In addition, your eyes tire less quickly.

On the lighting side, remember to have sufficiently powerful general lighting. Arranging an office requires thinking about all the necessary lighting positions. Accent lights will be very useful on your desk, your shelves or above a reading area.

Optimization of circulation depends on the size of the room. In a small space, you can set up a desk near the window and take advantage of the available work surface to create storage space or to place a relaxing armchair.

If the office space is really very small, it is possible to place shelves above your work plan. Avenir Rénovations will be able to offer you suitable solutions to save space and optimize the square meters you have.

If you are lucky enough to have a large area, why not place your desk in the center of the room. By choosing a large and spacious piece of furniture, you will bring a touch of elegance to your office. You can also set up a corner for your breaks or meetings. To do this, you can delimit the space using a section of wall of a different color or another floor covering.

For you to be well organized, it is better that you make a budget in advance to help you keep the costs as low as possible. You should include all the details that you think are necessary to set up your workspace at home. To give you an idea, you might need around 1,000 euros, which includes furniture, stationery and decoration.

But if you do not have the necessary computer, electrical and telecommunications equipment, the cost can increase up to an additional 1,500 euros (especially if you have to buy a computer or a laptop). So if this is your case, you may need up to 2,500 euros, approximately, to fit out your office.

You can also think about doing your office in stages, this way you will prioritize. The idea is to start with what is essential to activate your desktop and then incorporate other elements as you go. It is better to buy furniture at specialty outlets and chains that offer discounts.

Budget to be planned according to the type of work

The total cost of setting up your telecommuting office will also depend on your needs. Indeed, some need to have a webcam or even a good ergonomic office chair. We can also mention supports for computer screens or even a high-performance printer. This all adds up to the cost of setting up your home office.

Professionals for the layout of your home office

We design and install everything you might need at home in any space to work with the same comfort you would have in the office. We advise you on aspects of design, lighting, color and other essential elements so that you obtain a comfortable and welcoming workplace. So, waste more time and contact the Avenir Rénovations teams without delay to make your telework office layout project a reality.

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